Pontoon Folding Table
Andrew 0:07
One of the cooler new parts we've built over the last couple years it has really helped us get more into the Pontoon industry is the the folding table and and you know it fits into the back of mostly the the lounge backrest but talk to me about the evolution of that that's really an awesome part.
Pat 0:22Well as we kind of went to the uh the Pontoon Builders back in 2019 uh you know we were trying to to show them some of the different types of things that we do uh you know fish boat side and the sport boat side and one of the areas we identified was that Lounge uh back area where they were putting a uh you know an old um fold-up changing room door.
Andrew 0:44Yeah and I'd never even seen that before like I mean I know I know you told me that that's what they do there but I don't think I’ve never seen it like open and expanded.
Matt 0:52Oh yeah, I used to have to open them up and clean them out for the sales boats before i was here. It was probably the only time.
Pat 0:59Exactly right so so basically we figured out a way to do a fold up table which was kind of on-demand entertainment area so the table folds up locks in place and when you're done with it you can fold it down but the beauty of it is when you fold it up you can use it a different topper and that topper actually will hold your wine and cheese different snacks and drinks and stuff like that which makes it a Great Entertaining area.
Andrew 1:27And that topper locks in through the handle right they've got an inverse Puck that slides through and locks up under. But yeah so it’s a pretty cool design. Its a tricky area to try to do stuff in right because of the the slope of that you don't have a ton of depth at the top but you do on the bottom.
Matt 1:46Right that Lounge backrest really loses a lot of depth as you get up to the top for sure.
Pat 1:50And the tricky part was that unfortunately a lot of different Builders have different uh Styles and sizes of furniture so you know we were you know tasked with fitting the wide variety of different.
Andrew 2:01Thats why we built 500 of them last year. But now the cool thing that the feedback I guess what customers gain from our 500 prototypes is that most a lot of them, are a one for one replacement if I’m not mistaken.
Pat 2:18Exactly it's just a literally screw the the existing door out slide this in and in 30 minutes you can you know switch out of Parts.
Andrew 2:25So you’re talking in some cases 10 screws type projects 10 screws out 10 screws in. That’s pretty nice. So matt you were mentioning that uh you know one of the nice things is with that table the table only takes up what four about four and a half inches so that there's still some you know catch-all space.
Matt 2:46Yeah in that area yeah we've we've got some photos from customers you know just like review photos or just saying hey thanks this this is fantastic we never thought we were going to be able to use this space and we actually even found that when we open the table up we can fit a couple towels back there so we don't you know we can still use it for some storage space you know maybe it's we just need something to get out of the way until the end of the day to drive the dogs off before they get in the car if you know but it it really makes it nice and usable it's not as easily accessible but it is still functional.
Andrew 3:15Yeah and in some cases I think that's where the people are putting the Toppers right so the top are set.
Pat 3:19Yeah the toppers will fit underneath.
Matt 3:22That’s a good point. Very cool.