Justin Ballotte was named the winner of Boat Outfitters’ inaugural DIY Genius Contest in November 2024. We asked him more about the build, the boat, and how he chose and spec’d the Boat Outfitters parts he used.
Want to buy boat stuff for someone this holiday season but don’t know what to get? Here’s a handy list of 10 great, one-size-fits-all gifts for your favorite boat owners.
A new crop of innovative, removable sun shades can make summer boating a lot more fun. But which style is right for your boat, your intended usage, and your budget?
Even on today’s luxurious, fully loaded pontoon boats, there’s always room for customizations and upgrades. Check out our suggestions ranging from folding tables to fishing rod holders and grills to garbage can cabinets.
Sometimes a custom design project works out so well that the resulting part goes into production. This raised, multi-purpose table that drops into transom-mounted rod holders is a perfect example.
Today’s inflatable water toys and accessories are light years ahead of the previous generation. But they also require better pumps. Here’s a boater’s guide to on-board air pumps, including the innovative new ATMOS built-in air station.
What does your perfect coastal boating destination look like? We picked our top 5 in the U.S., including destinations in Florida, the Mid-Atlantic, New England, the Pacific Northwest and Southern California. Start planning!
Out of the thousands of boating lakes in America, how do you narrow it down to the top 5? It’s an impossible task, but we did the best we could, finally settling on great destinations in almost every region of the country.
Your goal in outfitting your boat with safety equipment should be keeping you and your crew safe, not just complying with the law. What additional safety equipment you’ll need depends on how and where you use your boat.
A properly used VHF radio will get you help faster, from fellow boaters and/or the Coast Guard or other responders. However, the actual range of VHF radio depends in large part on the height of its antenna. Here’s why.
The newest project for RV and travel bloggers Danielle and Tommy of Instagram’s popular “Slow Car Fast Home” is restoring a 1978 SeaCamper trailerable houseboat. See how they rebuilt the structural grid with Coosa composite board.
A raw water washdown pump is one of those things that, once you have it, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it. Every application is different, so we can’t offer step-by-step instructions, but here are some guidelines and considerations for installing a washdown pump on your boat.
Sea Hunt’s Gamefish series is hugely popular for good reason: these 25-, 27- and 30-foot center consoles are ready to fish right out of the box, easy on the eyes, and represent an exceptional value in their class. Still, there are upgrades to improve the functionality of these boats.
Uncover the secrets behind hull staining and explore the dilemma of whether to treat the symptoms or address the root cause. Read more about acid-based hull cleaners and how to revitalize your boat's shine.
Your boat’s steering wheel may not be the first thing someone notices when they step aboard. But your choice of steering wheel is incredibly important. Here are a few important things to consider when choosing a new steering wheel for your boat.
Anchors only have one simple job: keeping boats from drifting. So why are there so many different designs? Here’s your guide to the most common anchor styles and what each of them does best.
Chances are you’ve seen and heard the initials ABYC in a lot of places without thinking too much about it. But who exactly is the American Boat & Yacht Council, what do they do, and why should you care?
Reading a fish finder is a bit like reading the stars. There’s a whole lot of information in there, but interpreting it can be mysterious and daunting. Here are some tips on how to read a fish finder.
Haulover Inlet near Miami has become internet-famous over the last few years for its standing waves and chaotic traffic. But it’s just one of roughly 20 inlets on Florida’s Atlantic coast. We rank them all from serene to scary.
There are a lot of misconceptions about trim tabs that cause people to avoid using them to their full potential or installing them altogether. Properly used, trim tabs can save gas, smooth out chop and give you and your guests a much more comfortable ride.
This year, Boat Outfitters partnered with Major League Fishing pro and 2023 Toyota Series champion Christian Greico to field test a variety of new bass-specific products, many of which are now available to consumers.
It’s easy to assume that anybody who rents a boat is a new boater. But experienced boaters rent boats for all kinds of reasons. Whatever the reason, if you’re an experienced boater or boat owner considering renting a boat, this article is for you.
In my early days of owning boats, “maintenance” was another word for “repair.” Today, I look forward to November, when I spend a week or more going through my annual maintenance routines and bringing my boat back up to “new.”
If you have a father in your life who owns a boat, it’s a pretty safe bet that for Father’s Day he’d like something boat-related! You’ll need to look for a gift that can work with almost any boat and requires little or no effort to install.